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1. My favourite movie
3. Only the coolest copywriter alive
5. If I were a bird I'd be a...
8. Soon to be graduating from
9. The name of my dying succulent
11. My signature cake ***
2. If I could eat one food for the rest of my life it would be...
4. I was born and raised here, I call this city my home.
6. I have a side hustle where I make this out of clay *
7. I'm a freelance writer for ...* *
8. My dream is to own one
10. I have roots here
12. My hobby
13. If advertising goes bust, you'll find me trying to become one
I also made this tiny zine about a tortoise shell cat I befriended in Falmouth. Shoot me a message if you'd like a copy!
Of all the things i've
ever made, this is still
my proudest creation <3
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